County Administrative Procedure - Appeals


County Administrative Procedure - Appeals

If you are concerned about a child or youth's safety and well-being, please call the Colorado Child Abuse and Neglect Hotline at 844-CO-4-KIDS. Call 9-1-1 if there is an immediate threat.

Appeals are governed by the State Administrative Procedure Act, which include appeals brought by applicants, recipients, program participants, licensees and vendors who are challenging adverse decisions made by LACDHS as a county department of human/social services. The department programs that participate in the appeals process include:

  • Colorado Works
  • Adult financial assistance
  • Aid to the Needy-Disabled
  • Aid to the Blind
  • Food assistance (SNAP Benefits)
  • Medical assistance (Medicaid)
  • Low-income Energy Assistance Program (LEAP)
  • Child care (CCCAP)
  • Child abuse and neglect reports
  • Subsidized adoption
  • Foster care and day care certification and licensing actions

For Child Welfare you may file a grievance or complaint with the Las Animas County by completing a Child Welfare Complaint form online: 

What happens if I disagree with the County Department’s decision?

You may file an appeal with the State Department of Personnel and Administration, Office of Administrative Courts.

For state level Child Welfare complaints, you may visit their website for further information.  Please visit them at:


Appeal a finding

To appeal a finding, please contact CAMDRS at 303.866.4546.

Office of Colorado’s Child Protection Ombudsman

The Office of Colorado’s Child Protection Ombudsman is required by the legislature to serve as an independent state agency that investigates complaints and grievances about child protection services, seek and recommend system improvements and serve as a resource.

Complaints involving the courts and the judicial system

Complaints involving the courts and the judicial system should be made to each respective office.  Complaints involving the Guardian Ad Litem, Attorney Special Advocate or Child's Representative should be made to the Colorado Office of the Child's Representative.  Complaints about Respondent Parent Attorneys should be made to the Colorado Office of Respondent Parent Counsel

The role of Office of Administrative Courts

Appeals governed by the State Administrative Procedure Act involve a review or hearing before an ALJ at the Department of Personnel and Administration, Office of Administrative Courts. The ALJ prepares an Initial Decision based upon the evidence, review of documents, and applicable laws. The Initial Decision and case file are then sent to the Office of Appeals for review and final determination regarding the case.

The role of the Office of Appeals

OOA reviews the Initial Decision to ensure that the Administrative Law Judge's Initial Decision is supported by the weight of the evidence and to ensure that the ALJ's decision complies with the federal and state laws, regulations, and rules. The OOA will also review any Exceptions filed by the parties. Exceptions provide the Office of Appeals with an explanation as to why the parties have good cause to challenge the ALJ's decision.

After reviewing the complete file, the OOA will affirm, modify, or reverse the Initial Decision. The OOA also has the option to remand the matter by returning the case back to the ALJ for additional review and consideration when necessary. The Final Agency Decision serves as the official and final action of the State Department of Human Services, which concludes the administrative hearing process.

Implementing the final agency decision

The state department, county department, or its’ agent are responsible for implementing the final agency decision in compliance with state department rules. Action taken by the county department or state department to implement the final agency decision is not subject to further administrative appeal unless a new adverse action occurs.

For more information, please visit the OOA website.


Contact them at:
Office of Appeals
3550 W. Oxford Ave.
Denver, CO 80236
P 303.866.7447 | F 303.866.7644