Please contact Kristee Coberly at 719-845-2564 or prior to completing lease/rental agreement and/or entering Payment Portal.
Perry Stokes Airport Hangar Lease
Transportation - SCCOG 24 hour notice (719) 845-1127
J.M. Tire (719) 846-7273
Tommy Productions (719) 680-3556
Monica's Taxi (719) 680-4606
Perry Stokes Airport is located northeast of Trinidad, Colorado. The airport is owned by Las Animas County.
Coordinates are:
37°15'33.76" N
104°20'26.43" W
Elev. 5,760'
There are two runways:
- Asphalt surface 3/21 is 5,500' long x 75' wide
Gravel surface 9/27 is 5,500' long x 100' wide
Pinnacle Jet Centers, Airport Operator
44814 Co Rd 38
Trinidad, CO 81082
Phone: c (605) 881-4352
o 719-846-6271
Kristee Coberly, Airport Finance - Lease/Rental Director
Phone: 719-845-2564
Paula Lucero, Administrative Assistant
Phone: 719-845-2568

Newly remodeled pilot's lounge

Perry Stokes was once owned by the City of Trinidad, hence the reason for the 'TRINIDAD' sign on the roof of the terminal. A swap occurred in the 1940s at which time Las Animas County took ownership.