Foster Care and Adoptions

Foster Care and Adoptions

Costs to Foster and Adopt

The cost to foster or adopt often depends on the type of child placement agency used. Colorado is an agency state, which means you must use either a private or a county child placement agency.

Private placement agencies will place waiting for children in the foster care system in an adoptive placement. When contacting private agencies please specify you want to adopt from foster care to ensure you receive the correct information.

The difference between adopting through a private agency and a county agency is primarily cost and the ages of children available for adoption. If you are interested in adopting a child younger than 5 years old, you will likely work with a private agency. You are free to inquire about children from anywhere in the United States once your home study is complete. Your home study is valid for one year.

When working with a private agency you are free to inquire about children from anywhere in the United States once your home study is completed. Your home study is valid for one year.

Division of Youth and Family Services

Callison Davisson
Foster and Kinship Care Coordinator
Phone: 719-941-7046
Fax: 719-845-0801

Mary Olguin
Division of Youth and Family Services Supervisor

Office Hours
Monday - Friday
8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.


Parent Support Groups

Many families tell us that one of the best sources of information about adopting or being a foster parent is other families.

Find real stories about adoption and foster care on the Adopt US Kids’ YouTube channel.

Connect with a community of more than 190,000 families sharing questions, advice, and experiences on our Facebook page.

Most of the children in Colorado's public child welfare system range in age from 2 to 18. Abuse, neglect, or other family issues prevent them from living with their birth parents.

Some of these children may be referred to as having "special needs" because they:

  • Are 5 years of age or older
  • Part of a sibling group who must be placed together
  • Are African American or Hispanic
  • Have developmental disabilities such as Down Syndrome
  • Have other physical, mental, or emotional disabilities, including attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)

Caseworkers make every effort to place kids in the same neighborhood as the home they were removed from so they are not also uprooted from their friends, school and culture.

Discover how to become a foster parent or adoptive parent and make a positive difference in a child's life.


Bridges CPA

1225 N. Main Street, Suite 102
Pueblo, CO 81003
Telephone: 719-583-2200

Kids Crossing CPA

414 Broadway
Pueblo, CO 81004
Telephone: 719-545-3882


Report Child Abuse or Neglect

1-844-CO-4-KIDS or 1-844-264-5437