Information You May Need When Applying for Benefits


When applying for most benefits either online or in person you will need the following information to complete an application.

When applying for benefits online using Colorado PEAK

  • You can determine your eligibility and complete an application for most benefits at Colorado PEAK. When applying online you may upload many documents during the application process if desired. This can expedite the application process.
  • If you cannot or do not wish to upload documents during the online application process, bring them with you when you have your in-person meeting with DHS staff.

If you do not have a way to get the information, DHS staff may be able to help.

For Child Care ONLY  
Proof of Residency in the county in which you are applying Lease, mortgage statement, recent paystub with address, utility bill, auto registration or another recent bill
Proof of activity schedule for all Adult Caretakers Work schedule from the employer, school schedule from educational institution


Information Documents needed for verification
Proof of Identity Picture ID or Driver License
Full names, dates of birth, social security numbers for people applying for benefits Proof of social security numbers or proof of application
Citizenship or Alien Status Visa, Legal Permanent Resident Card, Passport or Employment Authorization Card.
If applying for Child Card provide birth certificates for children requesting care.
Current wages or income for your household Pay stubs, award letter, employer letter, Social Security income stubs, child support documentation. If self-employed, last year’s tax return related to self-employment or income and expense documentation for the business
Assets Statements for checking, savings, CDs, IRAs stocks or life insurance, burial policies, vehicles
Health insurance Health insurance card or policy.
Pregnancy If someone is pregnant, provide letter or statement from health care provider stating when baby is due.
Household expenses Proof of expenses (receipts or statements) for costs such as day care, rent, mortgage, utilities, child support or medical costs